In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Muslims who believe in the Messiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as)

Men of Excellence

After reciting the TashahhudTa’awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated:

I will continue to narrate accounts of the lives of the Badri companions. Hazrat ‘Asim Bin ‘Adiyy (ra) belonged to the tribe of Banu ‘Ajlaan bin Harithah who were confederates of the tribe of Banu Zaid bin Maalik. Hazrat ‘Asim was the leader of the Banu ‘Ajlaan. The title of Hazrat ‘Asim is reported as Abu Bakr while according to some other narrations, he also bore the titles of Abu ‘Abdullah, Abu ‘Umar and Abu ‘Amr. When the Holy Prophet (sa) was about to depart for the Battle of Badr, he appointed Hazrat ‘Asim bin ‘Adiyy as the Ameer over ‘Aliyah, which is the upper part of Quba and Medina. According to one narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent Hazrat ‘Asim back from a place called Rauha, and instead appointed him as the Ameer over ‘Aliyah, i.e. the upper part of Medina. The Holy Prophet (sa) sent Hazrat ‘Asim back but he counted him among the companions of Badr and fixed a portion of the spoils of war for him. Hazrat ‘Asim participated in all of the battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) including the battles of Badr and Uhud. Hazrat ‘Asim passed away in 45 AH in Medina during the rule of Hazrat Mu’awiyah. He was 115 years old at that time. According to some he passed away at the age of 120.

When the Holy Prophet (sa) ordered the companions to prepare for the battle of Tabuk, he also advised the affluent ones to offer wealth and mounts in the way of Allah. Hazrat ‘Asim bin ‘Adiyy (ra), presented seventy wasq [unit of measure] of dates, which was a large quantity. Hazrat ‘Asim bin ‘Adiyy was among those companions, who were commanded by the Holy Prophet (sa) to destroy Masjid Dhirar, a mosque built by the hypocrites with an intention to create discord and exile of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his companions from Arabia.  The Holy Prophet (sa) received a revelation about Masjid Dhirar, which is mentioned in Surah Taubah in the Holy Qur’an as follows:


And among the hypocrites are those who have built a mosque in order to injure Islam and help disbelief and cause a division among the believers, and prepare an ambush for him who warred against Allah and His Messenger before this. And they will surely swear: ‘We meant nothing but good;’ but Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars. [9:107]

Once the Promised Messiah (as) was travelling, and when he saw the Jamay’ Masjid in Delhi, which is a beautiful mosque, he stated: “True beauty of mosques is not in their construction, rather it is with those people who offer prayers sincerely. The soul of a mosque is connected with those who offer prayers within it. During the time of the Holy Prophet (sa) certain worldly people also constructed a mosque which was demolished as per God’s instructions. The name of this Mosque was Masjid Dhirar, meaning a mosque that causes harm and was demolished.” He further states: “In regard to the construction of mosques, the commandment is that they should be constructed with Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness) in the hearts.”

Hence, this is the real essence of mosques. Nowadays, there is a group of Muslims who create discord and troubles in mosques and such images go viral. These mosques are devoid of Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness). The verses of the Holy Qur’an that mention about God’s commandment to demolish Masjid Dhirar are followed with verses containing clear guidance that a true mosque is one where the foundations of it are based on Taqwa(God-fearing righteousness). As Ahmadis we should learn and we should strive to ensure that our mosques are based on Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness). We ought to enter our mosques to populate them while giving precedence to Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness) and this is in fact the true essence. If this is established and as long as this is kept in mind, we will continue to receive the bounties of Allah Almighty, God Willing.

The second companion who will be mentioned is Hazrat Amr bin ‘Auf (ra). We find that his name is recorded as ‘Umair as well. His father’s name was ‘Auf and his title was Abu ‘Amr. He was born in Mecca, and according to Ibn Sa’ad, he was from Yemen. Historians, authors, and narrators of Ahadith have provided different viewpoints about his actual name and there is a lot of discrepancy in the narrations regarding this. Imam Bukhari, Ibn-e-Ishaaq, Ibn Sa’ad, ‘Alamah Ibn Abd Al bar, ‘Alamah Ibn Aseer Jazri etc. all have mentioned his name as ‘Amr, whereas, Ibn Hisham, Musa bin ‘Uqba, Abu Ma’shar Muhamamd ‘Amar Waqadi etc. mentioned his name as ‘Umair. ‘Alamah Badrruddin ‘Aini and ‘Alama Ibn Hajar ‘Asqalaani – both of whom have written commentaries of Sahih Bukhari – state that ‘Amr bin ‘Auf and ‘Umair bin ‘Auf are both names of the same person. According to Imam Bukhari, Hazrat ‘Amr bin ‘Auf Ansari was a confederate of Quraish tribe called Banu ‘Aamir bin Loi. Whereas, Ibn-e-Hasham and Ibn Sa’ad have mentioned him to be from the family of Banu ‘Amir bin Loi. ‘Alama Badruddin ‘Aini, a commentator of Bukhari has inferred this by joining these two narrations stating: “In actuality, Hazrat ‘Amr bin ‘Auf was from the Ansari tribe of Aus or Khazraj. He visited Mecca and stayed there as well and became an ally of some of the people living there. Hence in this regard he was an Ansari [Native of Medina] as well as a Muhajir [Those Muslims who migrated from Mecca].” Hazrat Amr bin ‘Auf was one of the early converts to Islam. Hazrat Amr bin ‘Auf stayed in the home of Hazrat Kulthum bin Al-Hidam in Quba during the migration from Mecca to Medina. He participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) including the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. He passed away during the Caliphate of Hazrat ‘Umar, who subsequently led his funeral prayer.

The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat Ma’an (ra) bin ‘Adiyy. Hazrat Ma’an (ra) was a confederate of the Banu Amr bin Auf tribe of the Ansar. Hazrat Ma’an (ra) was the brother of Hazrat Asim (ra) bin ‘Adiyy. Hazrat Ma’an (ra) took part in the Bait-e-Aqabah along with 70 Ansar. Hazrat Ma’an (ra) was able to write in Arabic prior to his acceptance of Islam.  Hazrat Ma’an (ra) took part in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet (sa), including the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. When Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Khattab migrated from Mecca to Medina, the Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Ma’an (ra) bin ‘Adiyy. Hazrat Ma’an (ra) bin ‘Adiyy took part in the battle of Badr.

From one of the narrations from Bukhari, it is mentioned, one person was overheard saying openly during the life of Hazrat Umar (ra),(who was the Khalifa of the time) that after his demise, he would vote for such a such person. He also said that Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was elected in the state of rush and chaos meaning that he was mistakenly granted the status of Khilafat. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Umar (ra) became greatly aggrieved. Hazrat Umar (ra) later addressed the Muslims and explained that after the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa), some Muslims were of the opinion that the next Khalifa should be from amongst his progeny as he would have a deeper understanding of the religion and people would show obedience to the family with love and affection. Another group of Muslims thought that the Khalifa should from the Muhajireen as they benefitted the longest from the company of the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Khalifa should be from the Quraish as the whole of Arabia would be willing to listen to them. While a third group believed that since the Holy Prophet (sa) passed away in Medina and the Ansar had a much stronger influence in Medina, therefore they would be able to discharge this duty more effectively. After a period of discussion, consensus was developed on the suggestion of Hazrat Umar (ra) we should pledge allegiance to the best among the Muhajireen, this meant that there was no person more worthy than Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) for the position of Khalifa. Thus, after this everyone took pledge of allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).

At the time of the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa), people were in an emotional state and would say that if only they had passed away before the Holy Prophet (sa) and that they feared of a dissent after his demise. But Hazrat Ma’an (ra) said that he did not wish for this and said: “I did not wish to die before the Holy Prophet (sa), because I wished to profess belief in the Holy Prophet (sa) after his demise in the same manner as I did so during his lifetime. Just as I accepted the Holy Prophet (sa) as a prophet, I wished to profess belief for that system that was prophesied by him that would come into existence after his demise, i.e. to protect Khilafate Rashidah.”

Thus, this is the level of faith which every Ahmadi should strive to inculcate within themselves. Hazrat Ma’an was with Hazrat Khalid bin Walid in the army that was sent to supress the rebellion of those that had left Islam after the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Ma’an was martyred in the Battle of Yamama in 12 AH, during the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).

May God Almighty enable every Ahmadi to understand the rank and honour of prophethood and enable them to demonstrate loyalty and sincerity in their relationship with Khilafat.

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