Men of Excellence
After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated:
In the previous sermon, I spoke about incidents in the life of Hazrat Abadah bin Samit (ra), but they were not completed at the time. I will now present some further incidents and events during his life. It is written in historical accounts that when the Banu Qainuqa decided to wage war against the Muslims – on orders of Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salool – Hazrat Abadah bin Samit (ra), like Abdullah bin Ubay, was a confederate of the Banu Qainuqa. However, owing to the impending battle, he distanced himself from the Banu Qainuqa. It is written that the following verse was then revealed:
“O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.” [5:52]
At this point I will reiterate that this verse does not mean that one should not perform virtues deeds that would benefit the Jews or the Christians, nor does it mean that one must sever all ties with them. In fact, it means that one ought to avoid making friends with those Christians and Jews who are engaged in battle with the Muslims.
At another instance, God Almighty has explained that He does not forbid for one to perform virtuous deeds or deal justly with those people who do not wage war against Muslims or to those who do not exile the Muslims from their homes, irrespective of whether they are disbelievers, Jews or Christians. Just as God Almighty states:
“Allah forbids you not, respecting those who have not fought against you on account of your religion, and who have not driven you forth from your homes, that you be kind to them and act equitably towards them; surely Allah loves those who are equitable.” [60:9]
It has been made evident in the first verse that one should not forge relations with non-Muslims because of any weakness, fear or cowardice. The real objective should be that one ought to have complete trust and reliance in Allah the Almighty alone. Furthermore, if one improves their spiritual condition, then God Almighty would support that person. Unfortunately, these days we see that Muslim governments fall in the laps of foreign powers and are fearful of them. The result of this, one Muslim country is turning against the other and those people are the ones who are destroying Islam from its roots. Nonetheless, we pray to God Almighty to enable these Muslim governments to see reason.
After the convincing success of Muslims in the Battle of Badr over a very fierce army of the Quraish, the Jews of Madinah went up in flames of jealousy. They began to openly hurl stinging comments at the Muslims such as, ‘So what if you have defeated the army of the Quraish. Let Muḥammad[sa] fight us and we shall demonstrate how wars are fought.’ The Jews did not rest upon a mere threat, rather, it seems as if they even began to hatch conspiracies to assassinate the Holy Prophet (sa). However, despite such events, under the guidance of their Master, the Muslims demonstrated patience in every way and did not respond to any provocation. It is narrated in a Ḥadith that after the treaty which had been settled with the Jews, the Holy Prophet (sa) would even take special care to protect their sentiments, to the extent that he (sa) rebuked a companion who ended up in a conflict with a Jew saying that the Holy Prophet (sa) was a Prophet superior to Moses (as). However, despite this loving conduct of the Holy Prophet (sa), the Jews continued to escalate in their mischief.
Eventually, it was the Jews who created a cause for war. What happened was that one day, a Muslim lady went to the shop of a Jew in the market in order to purchase some goods. A few evil Jews, who were then sitting at the shop began to harass her in a most mischievous manner and even the shopkeeper himself committed the evil deed that while the lady was unaware, he attached the lower corner of her skirt to the mantle on her back with a thorn or something of that sort. As a result, when the lady stood up to leave due to their rude behaviour, the lower part of her body became exposed at which the Jewish shopkeeper and his accomplices burst out in laughter. Outraged, the Muslim lady screamed and appealed for help. Muslims rushed to help this lady, who was so hard done by the Jews and a state of riot broke out. When the Holy Prophet (sa) was informed of this, he gathered the chieftains of the Banu Qainuqa‘ and explained that such behaviour was not appropriate and that they should refrain from such mischief and fear God. Instead of expressing any remorse, they responded with very refractory answers and boldly repeated their earlier threat that, ‘Do not become arrogant over your victory at Badr. When you are to fight us you shall come to know the real likes of warriors.’ Left with no other choice, the Holy Prophet (sa) set out towards the fortresses of the Banu Qainuqa‘ with a force of Companions. Therefore, war was declared, and the forces of Islam and Judaism came forth to battle one another. The Banu Qainuqa‘ locked themselves within their own fortresses. The Holy Prophet (sa) besieged them and this siege continued for fifteen days. Finally, they opened the gates of their fortresses on the condition that though their wealth would belong to the Muslims, their lives and families would be spared. The Holy Prophet (sa) accepted this condition, even though according to Mosaic law, all of these people were liable to be put to death. However, since this was the first crime committed by this nation, as a first course of action, the merciful and forgiving disposition of the Holy Prophet (sa) could never be inclined towards an extreme punishment. In such circumstances, the only judgement which the Holy Prophet (sa) could pass was for the Banu Qainuqa‘ to leave Madinah. In comparison to their crime and taking into account the circumstances of that era, this was a very mild punishment. Nonetheless, for the nomadic tribes of Arabia it was nothing out of the ordinary to move from one place to another, especially when a tribe did not own any properties in the form of land and orchards – and the Banu Qainuqa‘ had none. The Holy Prophet (sa) assigned the task of overseeing the necessary arrangements, etc. associated with their departure to Hazrat ‘Ubadah bin Ṣamit (ra). ‘Ubadah bin Ṣamit (ra) escorted the Banu Qainuqa‘ and returned. The spoils which were attained by the Muslims consisted only of weaponry and instruments of their profession. Aside from this there was nothing more that the Muslims gained in the spoils.
Hazrat Abadah (ra) states “I taught the Holy Qur’an to some individuals from among the Ahl-e-Suffa [people of Suffa] and I also taught them how to write. Upon this, one of them sent me a bow as a present. In my heart I thought that this is not money, cash, gold, silver or any form of currency and that I will use it to shoot arrows in the cause of Allah. It is merely a bow and it will be useful to me to shoot arrows if the occasion of Jihad ever arises and will be used in the way of Allah.” Nevertheless, he says: “I requested the Holy Prophet (sa) for guidance in relation to this. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said: ‘You may accept it if you wish to wear a necklace made out of fire.’” That is, if he wished to wear a necklace made out of fire and for it to be placed around his neck, then he can accept it. Therefore, this incident contains guidance for those people who teach the Holy Quran and charge for this.
On one occasion, the Holy Prophet (sa) went to enquire about the health of Hazrat Abadah bin Samit (ra) when he was ill. The Holy Prophet (sa) said: “Do you know who from among my Ummah will be counted amongst the martyrs?” The Holy Prophet (sa) then said: “The one who dies fighting in the cause of God Almighty is a martyr, the one who dies from the plague is a martyr, (if there is an epidemic and a pious believer passes away due to it, then in that case he will be deemed as a martyr) the one who drowns will be deemed as a martyr, the one who passes away due to an abdominal illness is a martyr.” The Holy Prophet (sa) then further said: “A woman who passes away during and 40 days after the childbirth and immediately afterwards is a martyr.”
Junadah bin Abu Umaiyyah narrates that they visited Hazrat Ubadah (ra) bin Samit during his illness. They requested him to narrate a hadith which he had heard from the Holy Prophet (sa), so that by doing so, God Almighty will grant him blessings. Hazrat Ubadah (ra) bin Samit stated that the Holy Prophet (sa) once called them and took their Bai’at. The Holy Prophet (sa) took a pledge from them on the conditions that they will show complete obedience in all circumstances, whether it be in a state of happiness, sadness, poverty or affluence or even when the decision goes against their preferences. Moreover, they shall not dispute with the rulers in order to assume power for themselves, with the exception of manifest disbelief, in a fundamental law of God, for which you have a clear and conclusive argument from God.” This is also if one has the power or means to do so.
When Hazrat Ubadah (ra) bin Samit was close to his demise and he narrated a Hadith saying that I heard the Holy Prophet (sa) state that whosoever affirms that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad (sa) is the Messenger of Allah, will be safeguarded from the hellfire, in other words, such a person is a Muslim. May God Almighty continue to elevate the status of the Companions (ra), who have conveyed to us such knowledge which is not only beneficial to us spiritually but also in our practical lives as well.
I shall now mention about some deceased members and will also lead their funeral prayer. The first is Saeed Suqiya Sahib from Syria. He passed away on 18th April, however the funeral prayer is being offered late since the news of his demise was not received until recently. To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. The deceased was among the very sincere and pioneer members of the Jama’at in Syria. The deceased acquired an education in law, however he did not like the field of law and instead pursued a career in teaching. He was considered among the top teachers in the country. He taught in various parts of the country and was promoted as headmaster. The deceased had great passion for Tabligh and would preach to everyone he met. Every acquaintance of his has mentioned his attributes of exhibiting his morals, dealing with others with kindness, generosity, confidence, considerate of other’s feelings and sentiments and to selflessly help others. May God Almighty also enable the rest of his progeny to accept the truth.
The second funeral is of respected Al-Tayyab Al-Ubadi Sahib from Tunisia, who passed away on 26th June at the age of 70 – Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. He was the only Ahmadi in his area and was extremely sincere and had great love for the Jama’at and Khilafat. He spent almost his entire life in the mosque. He was true devotee of the Holy Qur’an and spent a lot of time occupied in the remembrance of God Almighty. Upon learning about the Jama’at, he immediately travelled to its headquarters and did the Bai’at. He had great love for the writings of the Promised Messiah (as). In order to attend the Friday Prayer, he would travel almost for 5 hours on the train to offer his prayer in the headquarters. The deceased also had the opportunity to perform Hajj. He had great love for the Jama’at and Khilafat. May God Almighty grant him His mercy and forgiveness and enable his progeny and dear ones to become the recipient of his prayers.
The third funeral is of respected Amatul Shukoor Sahiba, who was the eldest daughter of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh). She passed away on 3rd September at the age of 79 – Surely to Allah we belong and to him shall we return. As I mentioned that she was the daughter of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) and she was the paternal granddaughter of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) and the maternal granddaughter of Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Beghum Sahiba and Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan Sahib. She was born in April, 1940 in Qadian. She acquired her primary education in Qadian and completed her BA from Lahore. She was married twice. Her first marriage was with Shahid Khan Sahib, who was the son of Nawab Abdullah Khan Sahib, she had two sons and three daughters from that marriage. Although she did not serve in any major office for the Jama’at, however she generally had the opportunity to serve in various Jama’at departments of Lajna Imaillah. Everyone who has written about her has mentioned that she worked with great cooperation and humility. She had great interest in reading and writing and had written biography on Hazrat Amma Jaan (ra) and another book on Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Beghum Sahiba, the title of which is, “Mubarka Ki Kahani Mubarka Ki Zubani”. Her third book which is a biography on the wife of Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad Sahib (ra), Hazrat Bu Zainab Sahiba (ra). The manuscript of which is complete but has not been published yet due to the current circumstances [in Pakistan]. These three books therefore are a great literary contribution for the Lajna. She was suffering from a very painful illness and found out very late that it was cancer, however she bore this with great courage and patience. May Allah the Almighty grant her His forgiveness and mercy and may He enable her children and future progeny to also remain attached with Khilafat and the Jama’at with a bond of true loyalty.