Men of Excellence : `Auf bin Harith (ra); Abu Ayyub Ansari (ra)
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he would be highlighting incident from the life of Hazrat ‘Auf bin Harith bin Rifa‘ah Ansari, a companion who took part in the Battle of Badr.
His Holiness(aba) said that his name is also recorded as ‘Auf bin ‘Afra, as his mother’s name was ‘Afra. He was the brother of Mu‘adh(ra) and Mu‘awwidh(ra). He was amongst the six initial people from Madinah who went to Makkah and accepted Islam at the blessed hands of the Holy Prophet(sa).
His Holiness(aba) narrated an incident from the Battle of Badr in which Hazrat ‘Auf(ra) asked the Holy Prophet(sa) as to what would be most pleasing to Allah? The Holy Prophet(sa) replied that to continue on fighting in battle while having taken off your armour. Thus, Hazrat ‘Auf(ra) took off his armour and continued fighting, until he was martyred by Abu Jahl in the field of battle.
Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari(ra)
His Holiness(aba) said that the second Badri Companion whose life he would be highlighting is Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari(ra). His real name was Hazrat Khalid(ra) and his father’s name was Zaid bin Kulaid. He was from the Banu Najjar branch of the Khazraj tribe. His mother’s name was Hind bint Sa‘eed.
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub was blessed to partake in the Second Pledge at Aqabah where he accepted Islam at the blessed hands of the Holy Prophet(sa).
First Host of the Holy Prophet(sa) in Madinah
When the Holy Prophet(sa) migrated to Madinah, he stayed at the home of Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra), until the Prophet’s Mosque and his residence were constructed. His Holiness(aba) related the famous incident of the Holy Prophet’s (sa) in Madinah and how God guided his camel as to where to stop, and it was there that the mosque would be built. When the Holy Prophet(sa) inquired as to who lived closest to that place, Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) informed the Holy Prophet(sa) that it was his home, and thus the Holy Prophet(sa) stayed there.
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) had a two story house, and he wished for the Holy Prophet(sa) to reside in the upper level, however the Holy Prophet(sa) decided to reside on the main level, so that it would be easier for guests to come visit him. However at night, Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) and his wife spent the entire night worrying, due to the fact that their beloved master was sleeping on the main floor, whilst they were sleeping above him on the upper level. This was due to their extreme level of respect and love for the Holy Prophet(sa). Furthermore, some water spilled on the upper floor, and Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) feared that it would drip to the bottom floor, thus he immediately dried it up with his own cloak. The next day, when they expressed their sentiments to the Holy Prophet(sa), he agreed to reside on the upper level of the home.
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) participated in all battles alongside the Holy Prophet(sa). Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) relates that on the day of Badr when they were arranging themselves in rows, some of them had stepped forward out of the row, upon which the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed everyone to remain behind him.
Reliability of Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) with Regards to Narrations
His Holiness(aba) presented a narration in which two companions had a difference of opinion as to whether the Holy Prophet(sa) used to wash his head whilst in the state of Ihram. In order to settle the matter, one of the two went to Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra), and asked as to whether the Holy Prophet(sa) used to wash his head whilst in the state of Ihram. Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) replied by showing him that the Holy Prophet(sa) would put some water in his hair then pass his hands through his hair from front to back.
His Holines(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) also took part in battles alongside Hazrat Ali(ra) during his Caliphate. Hazrat Ali(ra) trusted Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) a great deal; this is evident from the fact that when Hazrat Ali(ra) moved to Kufa, he appointed Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) as the governor of Madinah.
His Holiness(aba) said that after the demise of Hazrat Ali(ra), Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) travelled to Egypt twice. One time, he travelled there despite his old age, because he heard that the governor of Madinah, Hazrat Uqbah(ra), narrated a particular narration of the Holy Prophet(sa) which he wished to hear from him. Thus he travelled there solely for this purpose. The second time he travelled there was to take part in the battle against the Romans.
Compassion of Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra)
His Holiness(aba) presented another narration in which after a battle, Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) passed by some prisoners, where he saw a woman crying. He inquired as to why she was crying, and came to know that she had been separated from her son. Upon this, he located her son and returned him to her. Then he spoke to the person who was in-charge of the spoils and the prisoners and informed him that he heard the Holy Prophet(sa) say that whoever separates a mother from her child will be separated from their loved ones in the hereafter. His Holiness(aba) commented that there is a lesson in this for everyone, and those who raise allegations against Islam should ponder over their own state. This is the level to which Islam cares for people, yet recently there have been reports from America regarding immigrants where children were seperated from their mothers, to the extent that if they were reunited, some children could no longer recognise their mothers. However Islam says that mothers should not be seperated from their children.
Attention to Hygiene
His Holiness(aba) narrated an incident in which Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) met someone whose finger-nails were very long. Upon seeing this he said to him and those around that they ask very high-level questions regarding the faith and what the Holy Prophet(sa) used to do in certain situations, but this does not mean that they should disregard their personal hygiene.
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) never stayed back from participating in battles. There was however only one battle in which he did not partake, due to the fact that a younger man was made the commander. However later on, Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) would regret the fact that he remained behind, saying, ‘why should I care who has been made a commander over me?’
Demise of Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra)
His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Abu Ayyub(ra) passed away during a battle against the Romans during the era of Hazrat Mu‘awiyah. He was buried in Rome near the palace of Constantinople.
In the end, His Holiness(aba) stated that this concludes the narrations regarding the Badri Companions. He said that now he would highlight the details of the Four Caliphs who succeeded the Holy Prophet(sa) in detail. His Holiness(aba) also stated that in the future, if any more material came to light regarding any of the companions whom he has mentioned, then he will present those narrations in the future.
Funeral Prayers
His Holiness(aba) said that he would lead the funeral prayers (in absentia) of the following deceased members:
Abdul Hayy Mandal Sahib who passed away on September 25, 2020 due to a heart attack. He was a mu‘allim in India. He accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat after personal study in 1999. He was regular in prayers and loved the Community. He is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters. His Holiness(aba) prayed that Allah Almighty may treat the deceased with forgiveness and mercy and grant his family patience.
Sirajul Islam Sahib, who passed away on October 14, 2020. He was serving as a mu‘allim in Bangladesh. He was very sincere, regular in his prayers and loved the Community a great deal. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, two of whom are married. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah Almighty treat the deceased with forgiveness and mercy and grant his family patience and enable them to continue the legacy of his virtuous deeds.
Shahid Ahmad Khan Pasha Sahib, who passed away on October 24, 2020. He was the grandson of the Promised Messiah(as). He was married twice, first with the daughter of the Third Caliph(rh), from which he has five children. He has one son from his second marriage as well. He was blessed to accompany the Third Caliph(rh) on some of his tours. He was very kind and helpful to the poor and needy. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah Almighty treat the deceased with forgiveness and mercy and keep his progeny close to the Community.
Syed Masood Ahmad Shah Sahib, who passed away on September 8, 2020, in the UK. He resided in Sheffield, where his home was the first prayer center, and he served as the local president for an extended period. He was very hospitable, kind, helpful to the poor, dedicated, and loved Khilafat a great deal. He instilled this same love in his daughter. He is survived by his wife and daughter. His Holiness(aba) prayed that may Allah Almighty treat the deceased with forgiveness and mercy, grant his family patience and enable them to continue his legacy of virtuous deeds.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions.